On Saturday we held our first plant sale of the year. Allotment members and their friends and families came along to pick up some extra plants - different varieties, new experiments or replacements for seedlings that didn't make it! It was a beautiful sunny day and it was great to see so many folk come down.
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The Merrylee Story
Merrylee Plotholders Association celebrated 100 years of gardening in 2017. As part of a city wide heritage project, a few members of the Association delved into the archives to research and write the history of Merrylee and chart its development over that time. The Centenary Celebrations booklet reflects changing horticultural trends, the impact and importance of growing during wartime and brings us up to date with new developments, a changing membership and why allotments are still relevant inthe 21st century.
Our thanks to Joan Menmuir, David Carver, Ray Cartner and John McGregor for their hard work in producing this unique record of the life and times of Merrylee Plotholders Association.
This link takes you to book print lay out. in time we'll re format this into a 'long read'
We hope you enoy it.
Allotments for the 21st century
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